The name stands for Little Light Rokkaku, which is a very apt description of this kite. Little, at 32 inches by 40 inches, and very light, at only two ounces, this kite flies in breezes almost too light to be felt. It’s the kite I reach for when nothing else will fly, and it rarely lets me down. It is one of the few kites I have which was actually made in America. The design is by Jon Trennepohl and Tom Marshick, and it is produced by Sky Burner Kites. The sail is sewn from polycarbonate fabric by Pam Kirk and Mike Dennis of California and the kite is sold through Kites and Fun Things for $75. This kite can easily be flown in train, and I have now bought two more to add to the one I had. It is normally made to order, and you can choose the colours you want.