NEW: Buying kites from China – see the advice on my “Buying” page before you venture into this.

Welcome to my web site, designed to inform and interest all those who find single-line kites fascinating.  There’s lots of information here, and it’s all FREE!

See my reviews pages if you want to know about many different kites (now 4 pages!)

SEE my Youtube channel FOR OVER TWO THOUSAND OF THE BEST KITE VIDEOS YOU CAN FIND ANYWHERE.  To quickly find all my “How to…” videos giving useful information, go to

Kite Day 2025 in Christchurch, NZ, took place on 1st February 2025 on New Brighton beach.  To see my video of the event, go here.

I’ve added a new feature where I intend to post occasional items giving my thoughts on kites and kite-flying.

I am a kite buyer, not a kite maker, so if you want information on building your own kite, this is not the place to find it.  For that, try among others.  

If you have an interest in Kite Aerial Photography (KAP), which involves lifting a camera with a kite, all you need is at

If you are in New Zealand, check out the New Zealand Kitefliers Association  for news about kiting and contact with other fliers, as well as other useful information and links.

In the UK, you have the Kite Society of Great Britain, and membership, which is open to enthusiasts worldwide, is great value.

I no longer recommend the American Kitefliers Association, as I don’t believe they do a good job of promoting kite-flying.  See failure.

With the ease of searching the internet these days, you can find information from many other sources, so even if you are the only kite-flier in your area, help is always available.  Often, however, experience is the best teacher, so if you have problems with a kite, experiment for yourself before you start relying totally on others to tell you what to do.
